Are you paying Attention
Presented by:
Georgina Mellor
Sales and Marketing
Purple Monster
Mia Sperrin & Jess Joy
I Am Paying Attention
About the webinar
Join George is a monthly live discussion with industry experts, hosted from the Purple Monster studio in Warwick. This month our guests are Jess Joy and Mia Sperrin founders of ‘I Am Paying Attention’, On a mission to revolutionise neurodiversity in the workplace.
George, Jess and Mia will spend 30 mins sharing advice with the aim to build your confidence and make you feel like it's attainable to be more neuro-inclusive rather than get overwhelmed.
What you can expect...
1, Things you may or may not already be doing to create a neuro-inclusive work environment
2, Simple, immediate changes you can make now to be more neuro-inclusive
3, Changes you can make long term to be more neuro-inclusive