Stop Making These 3 Mistakes on LinkedIn

Presented by:

George Mellor

Sales and Marketing Manager

Purple Monster

Rowena Wilding


Wilding Marketing

30 minutes

Want to know how to make LinkedIn work harder for your lead generation?

Join George Mellor, Purple Monster, and Rowena Wilding, Wilding Marketing, for this straight talking, no selling, 30 minute live chat (with Q&A!) on how to:

Stop making these 3 mistakes on LinkedIn, to supercharge your lead generation.

What to expect

1. Starting with what NOT to do!  Rowena tells it straight and sets you right on where you’re going wrong.

2. You will leave the session with 3 solid actions to implement right away.

3. Informal conversation style, where we encourage you to ask questions throughout.

4.  All this in 30 mins!